Privacy policy.



This privacy notice explains how UBN Professional Services Pty Ltd (Australia) trading as UBN Professional Services (“Us”, “We”, “Our”) collects and uses personal data, and describes the rights you have with respect to your personal data.

We process personal data (including sensitive information) for a variety of purposes. We usually collect this data from you or other authorised sources, for example, if you engage Us to submit data to Us, or if you visit our website, if you submit your contact details to receive marketing communications from us, or submit a resume or other job application information to the careers section of our Website. We also collect data through other websites you may engage us through, including social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Alternatively, we collect and process your personal data in the context of providing professional services to your employer or service provider, for example, where we are engaged to provide professional advisory services that require the disclosure of your personal data. We also obtain your personal data via publicly available sources, including through other websites, search engines and professional virtual networking sites including LinkedIn. Our privacy notice here is intended to cover all of the above-mentioned scenarios.

If you have any question regarding the processing or handling of your personal data or wish to contact the data privacy officer of UBN Professional Services, please email 

What data is covered and how is it collected?

At all times, we try to collect only the information we need for the particular function or activity we are carrying out. The main way we collect information is when you provide it to Us. We may also collect personal data if you participate in a meeting with Us.

At times, it is necessary to collect “Personal Data” as defined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth.) which may include information or an opinion about you or another individual that is reasonably identifiable, whether the information or opinion is true or not and whether the information is recorded in material form or not.

Its may be necessary to collect Sensitive Personal Information to fulfil our legal obligations to you or to a third party, including where it is required by law, for the purposes of employment or to fulfil any obligation we may have to an Australian Commonwealth agency. Sensitive Personal Information means personal information about an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association, religious beliefs or affiliations, philosophical beliefs, membership of a professional trade association, membership of a trade union,, sexual orientation or practices, criminal record, health information, genetic information, biometric information or biometric temples.

We may also collect visa and work approval status, education qualifications, your tax file number or other government issued identification information, banking details, payment details and personal information about your spouse, dependent or preferred emergency contact.

You have the right to interact with Us anonymously but we may not be able to fulfil any duty we may have to you or provide services to you where it is necessary for Us to identify you using Personal Data (including Sensitive Data).

Our websites include cookies, which are necessary for Our website to function or provide services to you. If you elect not to accept a website cookie, we may be unable to provide you services including access to Our website, and disclaim any liability for your inability to access Our services. We also collect IP addresses, geographic data and reserve all rights to collect any other form of data that may be made available to us via your use of this website.

In general, you don’t need to provide Personal Sensitive Data to use this website.

How we use your personal data

We use your personal data to:

  1. Provide and enhance Our services to you including this website.

  2. To respond to any requests or queries from you.

  3. To provide services to our clients including for administrative, sales or marketing purposes (where it is reasonable to provide your personal data) to fulfil any contractual obligations we may have.

  4. To provide employment to you or otherwise engage you for labour services through a contract, subcontract or for purposes relating to your employment.

  5. To meet any regulatory obligation we have, in any jurisdiction we operate in.

  6. As part of a proposed acquisition, merger, de-merger, joint venture or other arrangement involving UBN Professional Services.

  7. To our advisors, including any legal, financial, auditor or other professional advisory firm.

  8. For the purpose of providing direct marketing to you (where you consent to such marketing).

  9. To provide services to a third-party, where you have authorised our use of your data for that purpose, including but not limited to obtaining employment for you.

  10. For the purpose of meeting our legal obligations to any government authority including but not limited to any government tax agency, immigration agency, security agency (including police, intelligence or other national security agency).

We will not sell your personal information to any third party for marketing purposes.

Your rights

You have certain rights in relation to personal data we hold of yours. Those rights include:

  1. The right to access personal data We hold about you.

  2. To correct any personal data if it is inaccurate or incomplete.

  3. To restrict or object to the processing of your personal data or alternatively, to request the permanent destruction of your personal data (in certain circumstances, subject to law).

  4. To receive a copy of the personal data which you have provided to Us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format (in certain circumstances and subject to applicable law)

  5. Where you have provided personal data voluntarily, or otherwise consented to its use, the right to withdraw your consent.

  6. The right to complain about Our handling or use of your personal data.

To exercise any of these rights, it may be necessary to collect additional personal data about you, or otherwise, to do anything necessary by law to verify your right to access data that is personal or sensitive in nature.

How we disclose your data

There are many situations where we may disclose your personal data they include:

  1. Where we are required to do so by a government agency for the purposes of fulfilling any obligation we have to you as an employee, including for taxation, statistics or other state, territory or federal agency reporting requirement.

  2. For the purposes of obtaining services for you via a third-party, such as a service-provider to whom we disclose personal information. This may include the host of our website, any platforms we use to provide employment, or other contract arrangements that directly relate to providing services to you.

  3. In marketing material we deem necessary to support your employment or contractual relationship with Us including on this website.

When it concerns Personal Sensitive Information, We will only use such information for the purpose you provided it to us for other than where We are required to disclose such information by law.


We only retain your personal data for all long as it is needed for the purposes you have provided it to us for, or is otherwise necessary to provide services to you, or is otherwise legally required.

How to make a complaint

If you are unsatisfied with how We have handled your personal information (including Sensitive Information), you must lodge your complaint in writing. If you need assistance to lodge your complaint you should contact us. Complaints may be lodged electronically via email to or alternatively by mail to PO Box 61, Erindale Centre, Erindale ACT 2903.

If we receive a written complaint from you, about how We have handled your personal information, We will determine what (if any) action We should take to resolve the complaint. Your complaint must list clearly an address (electronic or otherwise) that we may correspond with you directly from.

We will respond to you promptly within a 30 day period. If you are not satisfied with our response, you may contact the OAIC on or via post GPO Box 5218 Sydney NSW 2001.

Persons under 16 years of age

This website is not intended to be used by minors. We do not intentionally record, process or capture personal data about minors. If you are under the age of 16, or are otherwise deemed a minor at law in the jurisdiction you reside, please do not provide any personal data, even if prompted to do so. If you believe you may have provided personal data and are either under the age of 16, or are otherwise deemed a minor at law in the jurisdiction you reside please request an adult, parent or guardian to notify Us so we may delete your personal information.


UBN Professional Services does not have an establishment in the European Union (EU), nor does it offer goods or services in the EU or monitor persons in the EU. If you are a person in the EU who is afforded certain rights under General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), this website is not intended for your use. It is a condition of use of this website that users do not submit any data to Us that is subject to GDPR. We disclaim full liability for any inadvertent or willful breach of any condition of this website by You.